Wednesday, December 5, 2007

History Dude Contest

Nominate your favorite historical figure you learned about in Social Studies this year. Include why he or she is your favorite. The winning post will see the name of the person in a star like the one above on the blog. Here is a link to the last contest. Here is a link to the winner.


Anonymous said...

I think the winner should be Samuel Adams,because he was the leader of the "Sons of Liberty"(a group that protested about the new tax.)A friend of his once said "He eats little,sleeps little and drinks little,but thinks much."


Anonymous said...

I think John Adams should be the winner because he was a fair man and he was the only one who was willing to give the soldier's a free trial so i think he should be the winner.

Anonymous said...

I think that George Washington should
be the history dude because he was
in many wars and was our president.

Anonymous said...

Choose Darth Vader. Hes awesome!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever think that Luke deserved that nomination....HUH did ya!!