Tuesday, September 18, 2007

For Ben and Colby


Anonymous said...

Great we got another Miss SOUTH CAROLINA!But this time it's a kitty with a crown on!!Can't wait to see what shes got to say!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That cat will NEVER be king >:D

Anonymous said...

That is so wired what Ben and Colby said.

Anonymous said...

Thats so right Ben that cat will never be king.

Anonymous said...

i personally believe that people dont like maps and do everything they can to avoid them. and those maps will be sent to Iraq and South America and such as and that the maps will help them to see where they can bomb us... err, i mean to help them read D:

Anonymous said...

What a HOOT!!! She must be a cross-breed of a cat and Miss South Carolina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L.O.L! :>

Anonymous said...

That is the funniest thing I have seen today

Anonymous said...

That is one messed up kitty. :O

Anonymous said...

I think that the new MRS.SOUTH CAROLINA is better than the old one because she is the queen of south Carolina.

Anonymous said...

Why did you but a cat in the blog and why did you but miss SOUTH CAROLINA? as a cat. who came with that cat Ben or Colby but that cat is very petty is it Ben or Colby cat that is like in that petty cat in t.v and the cat is a cute pie and i have that some cat as you and cat do not take at all but i like you cat if you like to but a cat .

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that cat uses the 50 throw up thing.

Anonymous said...

When does a cat where a crown.

Anonymous said...

And as she walked on to the stage she was left in phase of awe.And I do mean the cat.